Sunday 5 June 2011

Be Patient

Things do not progress at the same pace as most North American organizations. There is much more emphasis concentrated on visiting, socializing, spiritual growth, and nurturing relationships; official work seems to be secondary. I have yet to see or hear someone say "I am really busy right now, perhaps we could discuss this later". I constantly tell myself to be patient, there is much for me to learn here and it begins with an open mind, leaving little room for my rushed agenda. I have been reminded a couple of times to live in the present: today has enough worries of its own, let tomorrow worry about itself. Kweli.

I started writing this while sitting in a meeting with five other individuals working on filling in the NGO annual return. The conversation is about 90% swahili and 10% english, meaning that following is a challenge. That is until the conversation stops and I hear "sista, what do you think about this, what do you advise?". Um... what are we talking about? My swahili is not quite there yet.

I spent my first night in Kibera (slums). I was working over at the organization's base in Kibera and it was getting late. As one might assume, the streets of Nairobi, especially around the ghetto, are not safe for walking after dark for a non-local. I could have taxied home, but elected to stay over since they had an extra room where I could rest. It was an eye opener for me: the base is right by the road, so there is a constant influx of pollution and dust, there is a bone grinding factory adjacent and sewage trenches run right in front of the construct (which is made up of corrugated tin, cement and wood, however, is far from "sealed"). Upon awakening, the ole lungs needed a good cough. It is no wonder that disease is rampant in this area, immunity is low, and due to the crowded conditions and lack of sanitation, TB is exceptionally high. People can survive here, but quality of life is not where it should be.

As for my work with the organization, while I have figured out how to edit their website, and have trained several other volunteers on same, they have all kinds of new ideas about what they want. They are looking for the site to support up to 500 hours of music and media, so that it functions like a radio station. I have been searching for templates to support same. If anyone knows more about this than I, please send me a note.

Today is the UN World Environment Day - free yourself to plant a tree and support Mother Earth! Yesterday, on the sabbath, we all engaged in a tree planting event. Tree planting lasted all day, and was then followed by an all night reggae party. No alcohol, but lots of dancing, food, and positive interaction. I dragged a couple people from the backpackers to join in the fun, and although am thoroughly exhausted, had a great, great time. I think there might be something to this African way of life .............

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